Si Jin Bao

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Wonderful: A Facelift in A Bottle

“A Face That Puts Flowers to Shame” From empresses to farmers, the ancient China used herbs to keep their skin wonderfully flawless, radiant, and ageless.  Yang Guifei, a renowned beauty of the Tang dynasty (618 – 907 A.D.) and in Chinese history was known to have “a face that puts flowers to shame.” “Face and […]

Qian Yi: Sage of Pediatrics

钱乙 Qian Yi: Sage of Pediatrics The Song Empire (960 to 1279 A.D.) of ancient China is considered to be one of the most advanced time periods and flourished in economics, science, culture, technology, mathematics, engineering, and military strength. This dynasty birthed a great number of outstanding scholars, poets, architects, generals and physicians during its […]