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Premium herbaceuticals

Ancient Wisdom Fused With
Modern Technology

Powerful Over-the-Counter formulas made from plants for all ages. Enjoyable, tasty, and part of your daily routine. Premium herbs have never been so simple.

100% Plant based & Cruelty Free

Designed by a Physician
Tastes Great
Alcohol Free
Mom Approved
Natural Ingredients
Over-The-Counter Premium Herbs

Concentrated Decoctions™

Extra Strength Stop Pain Decoction™

Kick Your old pain relievers to the curb

#headaches #backpain #jointswelling #teething #sprain #bruise #painreliever

Whether you have acute or life-long chronic pain, Relief™ is the solution that effectively alleviates all types of pain, allowing you to live your life to the fullest.

Recognizing the urgent need to address the widespread issue of pain, our Founder and Chief Herbaceutical Engineer dedicated his expertise to create a breakthrough formula. Relief™ was meticulously crafted to target and eliminate blockages, providing genuine pain relief instead of merely dulling the pain response.

It Couldn't Be More Simple

Just Add Hot Water

Our Concentrated Decoctions™ are delivered in drops and added to one ounce of hot water – nothing else needed. Follow these simple steps to feel the power of our all natural formulas:
Concentrated Decoction Dropper

1. Add Drops

Shake before each use. Add recommended dosage to cup.


Concentrated Decoction Hot Water

2. Add hot water

Add 1oz of hot water to drops.

Cover Concentrated Decoction

3. Cover

Cover and allow it to sit for 5 minutes.

Take 2x daily

4.take twice daily

Drink warm & take twice daily.

A Facelift in a bottle™

Because You are Wonderful™

#faceliftinabottle #wrinkles #stretchmarks #suppleskin #restoreselasticity

Wonderful™ is a formula created for restoring the youthful appearance to the skin by firming, toning, lifting and hydrating, promoting elasticity, reducing wrinkles and pore size. Essentially it is a facelift in a bottle!


Ancient Asian Medicine sees the body as a system of interrelated parts working harmoniously together.

Stock Up On Everything you need

Home Medic Kits